On Programming languages and syntax

by lisa heeke — unsplash

Every modern mathematical formalism is composed of at most this four parts:

  1. Tokens
  2. Declarations
  3. Expressions
  4. Statements.

Tokens can be further divided into

  1. Identifiers
  2. Literals (Numeric, Char and String)
  3. Keywords

Declarations can contain this or more

  1. Type declaration
  2. Variable declaration
  3. Function declaration
  4. Module declaration

Expressions can contain this, less or more

  1. Arithmetic expressions
  2. Boolean expressions
  3. Comparison expressions
  4. Relational expressions

Statements can contain this, less or more

  1. Assignment statement
  2. Function calls
  3. If-else if — else statement
  4. While statement
  5. For statement
  6. Return statement
  7. Try-Catch statement
  8. Exit statement

